Sparo's Messagebook

If you knew Karolyn, and would like to leave a message or share your memories of her
with her family and friends, please feel free to add an entry to Karolyn's Messagebook.
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"Karolyn was my lovely cousin and I have many happy memories of her and family occasions together. The most enduring was when she was our young, beautiful and happy bridesmaid. I will always remember her that way." Love Ian and Jane XX

"Karolyn was a lovely person with a lovely smile. Never had a bad word to say about anyone, she'll be greatly missed." Nic

"Clifton and I are devastated and deeply saddened by Sparo's passing. There is so much we'd like to say but cannot find the words. Sparo was a caring and loving young lady and we are both going to miss her greatly." Sinead and Clifton

"I was deeply saddened to hear the loss of your beautiful daughter, and my dear friend. There's no need for me to tell you what a special person Karolyn was, because I know you are proud to be able to say she was your daughter. I first met Karolyn when we worked together at Sky nearly 6 years ago, and I've been able to call her a friend ever since. She was a true friend who was always there for me and we shared many fun times and I will treasure every memory. It's my honour and privilege to have known her and I shall miss her dearly." Theresa S x

"I worked with Karolyn at Complete. She was a lovely person, good natured, even-tempered and always ready to smile and laugh. It just seems wrong that she is gone. We will all miss you Sparo. The world is poorer for your loss. But I'm sure heaven is ringing with your laughter even now!" Jason M

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