Sparo's Messagebook

If you knew Karolyn, and would like to leave a message or share your memories of her
with her family and friends, please feel free to add an entry to Karolyn's Messagebook.
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"Happy Birthday Lady, thinking of you today as always and missing you as much as I always have." Jane B x

"Hey Sparo, Thinking of you (again), Damien Rice on the radio, a big hit with you lady. It was your birthday yesterday, my phone reminder still lets me know, you know how useless I am. It's lovely to have so many things that still remind me of you, it means you don't leave my thoughts for very long. Still missing you, still have the odd cry on the way home when certain songs come on the radio, you'll always have a special place in my heart." Em x

"My dear Sparo. I can't believe one whole year has passed. I recently found the message that you lovingly wrote in my pre-maternity card, it's nice to feel that you are still around, I know my twins would have loved their "Auntie Sparo". This is a little note to let you know that you are always in my thoughts, and you are dearly missed by myself, and I'm sure everyone that knew you. All my love on this sad day."
Emma xx
25th May 2006

"Thinking of you all today...but also thinking of the great times I had with Sparo and smiling as I remeber her laugh. Lots of love."
Sinead xx

"Dear sweet beautiful Jonsey. So much has happened, so much has changed but the sadness of losing you 1 year ago never goes away. I missed you yesterday, I am missing you today and I will miss you tomorrow. I miss your smile, I miss your laughter, I miss your infectious sense of fun, I miss your crap jokes, I miss your generosity, I miss everything about you but most of all, I miss your friendship. You are always in my thoughts, and this will never change. I miss you Jonsey."
Jane B X

"Sparrolina....always thinking of you...especially as the terrible day when the world lost a wonderful person draws closer. Sparro will be firmly in our thoughts on Thursday when we think of you in our special way.......Still cannot believe that this happened to this day!!!"
love Angela, Dean and Luca xxxxx

"Missing you so much my lovely little Sparo. I get so sad every time I think of you,wishing that we could be having a good laugh together.We always had such a good time what ever we did. You were always a bright light in Alex and my life. The last memory is of you having a boogie at my birthday party just 3 days before you died. I will treasure those memories always. Hope you like the fimo Stan and Olly ornaments I made for your grave. I'm sure they miss you as much as we do. Love and light in your next spiritual life my dear friend. Love alway"

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