Sparo's Messagebook

If you knew Karolyn, and would like to leave a message or share your memories of her
with her family and friends, please feel free to add an entry to Karolyn's Messagebook.
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"It's a tragedy that our little Sparo has flown away so soon. Complete won't be the same again without Karolyn's trademark giggle and her infectious personality. Always upbeat and positive, Karolyn was a model person; I hardly ever saw her miserable and her attitude to life inspired me. I will remember Sparo as a warm, funny, smart and beautiful woman who made my life better for being in it. I will miss you so much dear Sparo. Lots of love." Fluff xxx

"My dearest Sparo. I still can't believe you are gone. I still can't believe your cries of 'Hey Lady' will never be heard again. Your great cake baking skills will never be tasted again. Your smile, your laughter and your elegance will never be seen again... but they will all live forever in my memories and my thoughts. You are a beautiful person and I feel hounored to have known you. You have touched my world and it will never be the same without you in it. With all my love." Zoe

"From when we met 18 years ago I always new I would be friends with Karolyn forever. It didn't matter how long it had been since we last saw each other or spoke, we just took up where we left off. She was a beautiful person inside and out, and the world will be a sadder place without her. I do believe in Angels and yes, she definitely was one!
All my love to all her family." Karen xxx

"Darling Karo. I have so many memories of you Jonesy babes, and it's just too cruel that you have been taken so soon. You were so beautiful and clever and warm and we had such lovely times whilst working with you at Sky with the boys. You will never be forgotten and I will miss you very, very much. My deepest sympathy and loving wishes go to your family. xxxx" Jo (Parky)

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